Coast Story : Jelena

by | Apr 30, 2017 | Coast Stories | 0 comments

Temple of Poseidon
Jelena (aka Serbian Girl in Greece) recently visited Athens and gives us a run-down of her experience- including some time on the Coast!

Why did you choose to stay along the coast (versus other areas in Athens)?

I wanted to explore Athens, deeper than it is written and described in tourist guides, further than Akropolis. I know that many people are coming to Athens because archeological and historical significance, but I wanted to show my audience that Athens can offer you a lot more than that. For example, crystal sea, amazing beach bars and lots of fun!

Which is your favorite beach and why?

Well, if by beach you mean organised then definitely for me it is Varkiza because of Varkiza resort and the cleaner waters compared to Glyfada or Alimos. Also I adore Althea close Vouliagmeni or even better Mavro Lithari near Sounio! As you see, I cannot have one answer when we are talking about Greece!

What is your favorite area to spend time in during the day and why?

During a typical day in Athens I would usually either enjoy a shopping spree at Stadiou or perhaps even visit one of the malls that Athens have in abundance. After that I would enjoy my coffee at the graphic neighbourhood of Anafiotika at Plaka, not far away from Syntagma square. I guess that Anafiotika is a dream place to every instagrammer!

For a night out, which area do you prefer and why?

The first time I went out in Athens it was at Island Club at Varkiza, and definitely after that night I am comparing all other nights with that one! It was my best night ever! Also during my last trip, during the night, I have been to Psiri at Monastiraki. There is a great deal of clubs and bars to choose! This time I also went to Taf Club at Monastiraki, artistic place – the best one for the warmer nights, which is definitely must visit on the list!

Do you have any tips for someone who is visiting the Athens Coast for the first time?

Do not be afraid to discover and sneak around small streets! Also do not be afraid of using public transportation and getting out of your comfort zone to immerse yourself in the culture. Do not miss to visit Balux at Glyfada ( Beverly Hills of Greece) or one of the many beach bars across Alimos beach, or to explore the majestic shoreline between Varkiza and Sounio. Athens is perfect place to everyone! It can be wild urban city but also the peaceful place where you can enjoy the holidays while drinking frappe on the beach or in the centre with the view to the Akropolis.

What should the rest of the world know about the Athens Coast?

The rest of the world should know that the Athens coast has everything someone may need during his stay there, especially during summer and has nothing to be jealous of the Brazilian or the Dubai rivieras.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Be a traveler not a tourist! Prepare your camera for many great shots! Athens is worth of every second you spent exploring!

Serbian in Greece

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