
Full time internacional mom, part time interviewer
Athens Area Yoga Retreats for Spring 2019

Athens Area Yoga Retreats for Spring 2019

Need of a bit of photo-synthesis and sparkle after what has been an uncharacteristically wet and windy winter in Athens? Your own Athens Coast yoga guru has a run down on the best Yoga Retreats coming up in the spring months a short hop, skip or downward dog from...

Coast Story : Mark

Coast Story : Mark

Mark is originally from Baltimore, Maryland and now is happy to spend as much time as possible on the Athens Coast.  He shares some of his favorite spots with us and his incredible drone images taken of the Coast. What brought you to Greece? I married a Greek and have...

Languages Heard Along the Athens Coast

Languages Heard Along the Athens Coast

It's not all Greek to me! The Greek language is the language used everywhere in Athens and along the coast.  We are not Mallorca.  While Greek is the native language everywhere in Greece, there are certain areas where English is widely spoken.  Where you find...

Coast Story: Ruth

Coast Story: Ruth

Ruth is an American who travels to Athens whenever she can.  She has visited the Athens Coast during every season, mainly preferring fall and spring. Why did you choose to stay along the coast? I've always been drawn to the water.  I currently live in New Mexico and...

Coast Story : Sophia

Coast Story : Sophia

Tell us about yourself I'm an international mix or third culture generation as they like to call us now.  Dad is Greek and Mom is British (yes, summer romances do sometimes last as testament to my parents - they met on a Greek island when they were 18!) However, they...

Coast Story : Xavier

Coast Story : Xavier

Xavier is a French-American living and working in the southern suburbs of Athens. Why do you choose to live along the coast? I've always been a coastal person, need to see the sea every day and open air. Which is your favorite beach and why? Yabanaki, good bars, good...

Coast Story : Julia

Coast Story : Julia

Julia is originally from Hungary and was transferred to Greece for work and is loving her active life on the Athens Coast. Luckily her office is close to the coast, so she can live close to work and ‘play’. Which is your favorite beach and why? Anavyssos. It is bit...

Coast Story : Tarek

Coast Story : Tarek

Tarek has lived in Athens for most of his life.  He lives in the northern suburban area of Athens, but spends a lot of free time on the coast, because it is the place to be! Which is your favorite beach and why? I love the Sounion area during the week, it's...

Coast Story : Nassmah

Coast Story : Nassmah

Nassmah (pictured at Astir Palace) is a Middle Easterner who lived and worked in Athens for two years and returns to Greece for holidays every summer. Why did you choose to stay along the coast (versus other areas in Athens)? Because I love being by the sea! Fresh...

Coast Story : Pip

Coast Story : Pip

Pip (pictured at Edem beach) is a half-Greek, English Londoner who has been traveling to Greece several times a year for around 20 years!  She loves Greece so much, she even has her own blog, Pip the Greek. Give a short description of your usual travel itinerary...